GraphExpert Pro 1.2.0 released
Happy Thanksgiving! A new feature-release of GraphExpert Pro is available, and registered users can upgrade for free, as usual.
The focus of this revision has been large dataset support. Previously in GraphExpert Pro, handling of large datasets (meaning datasets with 1 million rows or larger) was extremely slow; so slow as to be unusable. Many internals in GraphExpert Pro have been overhauled to correct this deficiency, from the file reading to the display of data in the spreadsheet, with progress dialogs to inform you on the status of any long-running tasks.
The ability to join datasets has also been added to GraphExpert Pro. In order to join two (or more) datasets into one, simple select the desired datasets in the Component pane, right click, and select Join. The software will automatically detect whether or not the desired action is to join horizontally or vertically, and offer the appropriate choice(s) in the context menu.
As usual, several reported problems have also been fixed along the way. Details follow:
- NEW: Added the ability to join datasets
- NEW: large file/dataset support. Reading of large data files now takes a fraction of the time required previously, and multiple efficiency problems fixed in the dataset viewer and graphing components such that working with large datasets (1M rows and larger) is tractable.
- NEW: added the ability to delete any or all curves on a graph that a right click occurred over.
- CHANGED: better column header detection during file read; there is now a look-back from the start of the data to detect the column headers, so they need not be one line above the data.
- CHANGED: when multiple files are dragged to the dataset control, they are now sorted by name before importing/hotlinking.
- RESOLVED: NaN's generated in the logarithmic functions were not handled properly, leading to incorrect program behavior and possible hangs. Fixed.
- RESOLVED: some older cxp files failed to read in properly, leading to difficulty when performing subsequent curve fits. Fixed.
- RESOLVED: fix for crash in Linux, where selecting "Close Others" for a tab in the dataset editor would cause an application crash.
- RESOLVED: multiple graphing problems under OSX, caused by a faulty build, have been addressed.